
Shapewear bodysuits

Hello boys and girls, all quiet out there? Here all in peace.

I want to ask the girls who here uses or has used a shapewear bodysuits?

Bodysuits shapewear is a type of underwear that helps to shape the body contour, making it more proportional and attractive. It helps a lot in our self-confidence and increases our self-esteem.
There are several options, one more suitable for each biotype and occasion, after all we are not standardized. The shapewear bodysuits is an underwear that redesigns the silhouette of our body, hiding our small imperfections and valuing the best we have, compressing our fat and giving a more beautiful shape to the body.
Body Sculptshe  de Renda Shapewear

Body Sculptshe Open Virilha de Renda Shapewear

Bodysuit shapewear has the same function as corsets of old, with the difference that bodysuit shapewear is much more comfortable.

I don't know about you, but whenever I'm going to wear a tighter outfit, I use a shapewear bodysuits to keep everything in the right place, give that special touch and make the look more harmonious.

There are several models, full body goes up to the ankles, with sleeves, without sleeves, with straps, just for the waist, some even have lace to give a sexier touch to the piece. You just need to choose the one that best fits your body.

Here are two different models that help us make our bodies wonderful.
Sculptshe Open-Bust Catsuit Body Shaper

Sculptshe Open-Bust Catsuit Body Shaper

There are also the double belt waist trainers that help give the body an hourglass shape, they are basically a corset with a modern twist.
Sculptshe Latex Double

Sculptshe Latex Double Belts Sport Corset Waist Trainer

You can use the double belt waist trainer just to give your waist a nice contour when wearing that special look, but also for training in the gym.

Did you know that double belt waist trainers can help you lose weight? Well, the fact that it tightens your stomach, makes your appetite decrease and you end up eating less, in addition to helping to improve your posture, it is a piece with more than one benefit.

Sculptshe Double Belts Zipper

Sculptshe Double Belts Zipper Waist Cincher

Now tell me, do you use these pieces just to train or use to shape the body in that special look?

Enjoy your visit, and leave your opinion, it is very important to us! Share with your friends!

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I'll go there to solve some things and come back...
Hugs see you soon...
Kisses, Minda


  1. Muito boas as peças para as mulheres, eu ainda não uso mas tenho vontade de usar, elas são ótimas pra deixar o corpo da mulher perfeito, lindos os modelos bjs.

  2. Os modelos estao maravilhosos. Sou doida p comprar um

  3. Amo essas cintas são muito boas para aqueles dias que estamos mais inchadinhas
    Alécia, do Blog ArroJada Mix

  4. Oi!
    Essas cintas são ótimas e ajudam muito na postura,eu uso na academia 😊

  5. é ótimo porque a propria roupa já modela o corpo, o que é muito legal!

  6. Oi, tudo bem? Que dica mais incrível. Realmente deixa o corpo bem diferente. Nunca usei, mas fiquei curiosa. Dos que você mostrou meu favorito é o segundo. Um abraço, Érika =^.^=

  7. amo essas cintas, ajuda muito a melhorar o corpo né!

  8. Olá, tudo bem?

    As cintas são peças que realmente fazem a diferença para qualquer mulher. Gostei muito desses modelos que trouxe, são belíssimos e se adaptam muito bem ao corpo.



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